Thursday 30 September 2010

Charlotte And Jake

  • We  believe that our scenes were framed correctly however on some, too much space was included but this couldn't be avoided as there was a stand off between the two gunmen, and we wanted to include a two shot.
  • We included all of the shots and techniques we wished to include in our short film, such as extreme close up, long shot, two shot, over the shoulder (POV) close up, hight to low angle, panning and a mid shot. However, we wanted to include a canted angle but the actors we used were unwilling to take part therefore we had improvise with a different ending, which did not have the same effect.
  • We think that our short sequence of clips had pace, especially when one of the gunmen was walking towards the other, and we used pannning from a high to low angle which made the woman seem powerful, intimidating and in control. A frosty atmosphere was created at the begginning of the film, when the scene was established, and one gunman instigated the mock gun fight.
  • If we were set more time we would've included multiple sound effects such as; footsteps; tumbleweeds and bullets being fired; background lighting changes to make it seem like a western film and fading transitions between clips, accompanied by wild west pieces of music.
  • We believe that overall, our movie did flow from one clip to another which was a bonus as we feared that the clips would look randomized but instead, they clearly told the story well.