Monday 24 January 2011

Practice_Death Walkers

In our practice shoot for our zombie film, we shot only the first fifteen seconds of the opening scenes due to our limited access to locations, people and props etc therefore we unfortunately had no time to plan ahead. We had to film it in daytime so we had no need for artificial light. Therefore we edited our clips in terms of brightness and contrast by lowering these levels to make it appear like early evening and more dark and dank - like a stereotypical horror film.

We particularly liked the part where filmed someone running up the stairs, we used a steady cam to create the affect of someone running (POV shot). As we had short notice to recruit members for our film the acting was not carried out as well as we hoped.

We feel that we could have improved one of shots, (mid shot of zombies near railings) by framing it differently. We could have included a low angle to give the zombie more power and dominance.

We inserted several black clips, to create the affect of different flashes, we think we achieved this successfully. I think that the the pace of the film was quite good, this created more suspense in out film, which will be heightened when we add sound in our final project.

In our shots i think we had enough head room and lead room, for our characters, which created a more effective shot.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Film Planning_Shot List

Film Planning_Location

Location no.1

Location_House, this is where the opening sequence will be filmed.

Location no.2

Location_Vernon Park, Short scenes of our opening will be shot here.