Saturday 26 February 2011

1. Introduction

For our horror film we are going to make a zombie horror. We have carried out lots of research, we have used the Internet to investigate our target audience and the distinctive characteristics of a typical zombie horror film.* we have applied this research to the making of our zombie film, for example, casting teenagers, after research we came to the conclusion that our target audience would be people under the age of 18.

Re-occurring characteristics of typical zombie horror film:

  The colour RED seems to be a re-occurring colour in zombie horrors, as it is associated with blood, gore, rage and anger.

The colour BLACK also seems to be a re-occurring colour, this make the red stand out and appear more vivid, the colour black also creates a sense of foreboding.

28 Week Later Trailer:

In this film trailer they use dark colour such as black and darken images to create a more omnious scene, making it more effcetive as a horror film.

This is another image from dawn of the dead that shows the dominating colours of red and black. These recurring colors that stand out draw the audience in making the scene/images more scary when something horrific happens. Also these colors help identify the genre of film, as the colours black and red create an eerie atmosphere when used correctly.

We want these to be the dominating colors in our horror film to increase suspense and the effectiveness of our zombie horror.

Our inspiration came from the film dawn of the dead, we thought the flashing images in the beginning of the film were very effective in grabbing the audiences attention, so we thought we would incorporate something similar in our opening sequence, to have the same effect.

Images from dawn of the dead:

In the beginning they use a variety of different shots, all dominated with the colour black , making it more appropriate for a horror film.

Images from our film, Death Walkers:

In our film we have also used  variety of images, a crow, we thought would be effective as it can symbolize death and looks quite mysterious. Noise, and what appears to be broken screen, showing that you might not be able to contact the outside world, and finally someone being dragged out the home, suggesting that nobody is safe.

Overall the production of our zombie film has worked out. In the group was Jake Stephenson and Charlotte Cox. I think that when working together we were a good team and very effective, in getting the work done and planning for our film. During the planning and making of our zombie film we didn't come across any problems, we split work equally so not one of us had to do more work than the other. However when we first filmed the lighting was wrong, when editing everything became to dark and you were unable to see anything properly. To overcome this hurdle we re-arranged to film another day were we took out more torches and placed more lights around the room so that we were able to get the correct lighting.

Throughout the making of our film, we were constantly aware of each other skills. Making it much easier for us to share and split work easily so that not one of us was doing much or to little work. For example, one of us is artistic so so they did the story board, and another is more literate so they  did more writing based tasks. We also knew each other previously so it was much easier to work together as we had good communication within the group.

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