Monday 22 November 2010

Horror Movie Planning

Genre: Zombie Horror 

Film Plan: 

 Point of view shot:The character looks then begins to walk down the stairs: Background Noise, the  TV Playing quietly in the background.

 Long shot:See the girl watching TV, looking up at the ceiling as someone is up there. (Close up shot: of the door handle as it opens) Character walks through door "Oi, I'm Going Bed. Night" _Creates tension the audience doesn't no who is in the house, it could have been anyone_: 
Sound:Throughout the beginning of the scene strings will be played, slowly building up and getting louder. Ambient noises will be amplified, like the creaking of the stairs.
 The girl continues to watch TV: Background Noise, quiet screams. The Character mutes the TV. Silence. Can't hear anything so continues to watch TV. The light behind flickers on. Through the glass of the door the audience can see a silhouette of a mysterious character (Long shot) The character sitting down is unaware of the goings on behind her. The light goes off once more, then flickers back on again. However this time the mysterious silhouette is pressed up against the window. (medium close up_Creates dramatic irony, and build suspense the audience is aware of the ominous figure however the character is not_

The character turns around realizing something is wrong & gets up to investigate. Medium Shot as she walks into the kitchen. The characters winds down the blind and perches over the kitchen top. BANG! alarm goes, as a hand hits the window and slides down (Close up). The girl screams then scrambles through the draw (POV shot) to get some matches.

Sound:Silence, when she mutes the TV and hears the screams. Silence as she winds down the blind. Then the loud bang of the hand, alarm and scream.
The character heads out side to see what it was, she lights a match (Extreme Close Up) as the out side light is not working. She drops the light, (Silence) then lights another (Sound of the match box as she lights the match) she holds it up to her face, there is a zombie in front of her. The lights from the match illuminates hers and the zombies face. She screams, blowing out the match out. BLACKNESS.

This is what we want one of our shots to look like, however she will be holding a match not a candle. But we still want the same effect, where everything around her is dark but the light illuminates her face.

For one of our last shot we want a two shot, similar to this however we would like the character to be holding a match, so it highlights hers and the zombies face. So when the match goes out all goes dark around the characters.

Sound:Fast paste music, builds suspense as she scrambles in the draw to get the matches. As she drops the match after lighting it, everything goes silent, she is left vulnerable without any way of seeing. Sound of her breathing heavily. She strikes another match, sees zombie then loud scream.

Target Audience: Under 18 category, specifically male.

Certificate: 15 

Title Sequence: Flash of images where the words are incorporated into the scene.

We would like to do something similar in the opening of our film, like the video above.

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