Thursday 21 October 2010

Preliminary Exercise Evaluation - Jake Stephenson

Our final exercise shows that we can hold the camera correctly creating a steady shot. We achieved this by keeping the camera on the tripod, so there was no additional movement. I felt that we framed the shots correctly using the rule of thirds, when filming we used the 9 grid frame guide so that all our shots were framed appropriately. We left enough head room and lead room for our actors and actresses for example when the characters run on screen and then the zombies follow. I thought that overall our composition was good.
We have used a variety of shots such as canted angles to film the grave stones, low angles to film the zombie running towards the camera, high angles when the characters were running to and away from the camera. We also used mid shots, long shots and a POV angles.

I felt that we applied the rule of continuity creating 'seamless editing'. However for shot 6 and 7 we felt we were unable to create seamless editing due to the fact that we ignored the 30 degree rule to create a POV shot. I think that our shots flowed together and we applied appropriate transitions. For the last slide we used a fade out transition before the zombies attacked the civilians. We also added a blank slide to give the impression of a camera flash. In addition we changed the lighting in each shot to emphasize the darkened areas and shadows to make the film look more foreboding and ominous.  Lastly, we muted the sound, as we thought that it quickened the paste  and increased the tension in the film.

I felt that we used appropriate costumes, make-up and props for our film. For the zombies make-up we used white, grey, black and red face-paints. We painted their faces white to emphasize there paleness, and painted under their eyes with grey, then black (See image below). We then painted around the mouth with a deep red to give the impression that they had been feeding on human flesh. After making the fake blood we dripped it near and around the forehead  and mouth, to give a better impression of blood. We choose white t-shirts for each of our zombies as we thought that would best emphasize the blood and muck on their top. We splashed and printed our hands on the t-shirts to make them look more effective.
I thought that the location we chose was appropriate in setting the scene for a zombie film. We choose a graveyard which we thought was a likely setting for zombies. The grave stones created an eerie feeling and, the abandoned church was effective in creating a feeling of uneasiness as it towered over the graveyard. The trees in the grave yard surrounded the paths which built tension because it meant that the characters couldn't escape.
In my opinion i thought that the actors we choose were appropriate for our film, they delivered a good and believable performance when acting as a zombie or a civilian. 

* I edited this picture by changing the lighting, brightness and contrast.

For the planning of the film, i went shopping to collect the variety of different ingredients for the fake blood, face paints and to buy the T-shirts. I painted most of the zombies faces using brushes and sponges and decorated the zombies t-shirts with the fake blood. 
When filming i directed the characters into the right positions, so that it created enough lead and head room for when we was filming. I helped position the camera using the rule of thirds so that the shots looked more effective. For the editing process I helped split and crop the film so that we could achieve seamless editing and make sure that there was no jumps in-between each sequence. I helped with the transition affects, such as the fade out and the flash of the camera.
For improvements to the film i feel that we could have improved shots 6 & 7. We thought that there was a slight jump between that character taking the picture and the zombies. This could be improved by filming it differently, by shooting the picture being taken then the zombies in stead of him standing there for ages and then having to edit the shot later on.
When  filming for our final coursework i will check over the film to make sure that there is no continuity issues, as in this exercise in shot 5 only two character ran past the camera, when there should have been three.

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