Wednesday 13 April 2011

9. Contribution

During the making our film we both contributed equally, splitting work in half so that not one of us had to do too much. We worked together and had good communication, improving our organisation skills so that everything was completed on time. We ensured that we spoke to each  on a regular basis this ensured that we were able to complete everything, and get tasks sorted a lot more easily.

Jake Stephenson_
During the planning of making our film we constantly discussed what we were doing, keeping communication at a maximum so that each of us no what we were doing. I helped make sure that everything was organised, making list for everything we had to do, for example what we needed to film, and things such as what we had to do before hand e.g. make blood, making sure that everything was completed and ready for when we had to film. We also went to the shop and bought several ingredients that we need for the fake blood, such as honey, food colouring and washing up liquid.
Also helped make sure that everything was kept to a plan, by making lists this ensured that our time keeping was very good which enabled us to get everything done on time.
Before we filmed for research purposes i watched several films, for example dawn of the dead, 28 days and weeks later and zombie land. I also i watched a psychological horror, as we wanted to include an underlying psychological twist in our film. I thought that watching a psychological horror such as dark water, would help us create a more effective film.
As both me and Charlotte have different strengths, for example i am more artistic, so during the planning of our film i drew the story board, and as Charlotte is more literate she did the script. I also complete the recce sheets where we had to take pictures of our setting.
When posting on our blog when we were not in media class together, we split the equally for example, for our evaluation, i did questions one, two, five and eight.

During the production of the our film I was the one that did the make for our zombie.
I applied white face paint with sponges and then added dark colour such as black and grey for under the eyes, then painted red around the mouth using paint brushes.

During the filming process, i both directed and filmed taking turns with Charlotte. I helped position the camera ensuring that there was enough head and lead room etc, and made sure that the characters were all in the right position.

After finishing filming i spent my lessons and free periods, going through our media film, sorting the clips out and editing out film. I added effects to our film for example, changing the brightness and contrast of some scenes, and adding our title sequences, at the beginning. I also sorted out a continuity issue we had in the kitchen, were it appeared there was a jump shot.
Also after we had finished editing i helped take part in the making of our soundtrack, collecting sounds that i thought would be appropriate for our film. I then helped put the sounds together, creating the soundtrack. 

Charlotte Cox.
During the planning of our film, I believe our communication skills were strong due to us knowing each other for a few years (since secondary school) , and this worked to our advantage as I could easily commute to where we were filimg our horror film (Jake's house) as knowing each other previously I know how to get to his house easily. These skills also meant that we we could easily discuss, advise and encourage each other on our indivdual tasks which we distributed easily as we knew each others strengths. For example Jake being the more artistic out of us he created the storyboard and obviously with his house being the main location and the park situated just across the road he could easily take photographs of these locations for our recce sheet. However I am more skilled at writing based activities which is why I offered to create the script and to update it when our plot developed. Also Jake scanned our weekly updates and lists that we created every week we filmed and re shot scenes to the blog whilst I expanded upon them and stated briefly what we did due to my literate skills. I answereed evaluative questions 3,4,6 and 8.

Throughout inital research into target audience I watched some films to get an insight into what could be included in the film and I think it gave me an overall insight into what I could expect in the typical zombie film and psychological film. I watched films such as 28 Days Later, Zombie Land, The Orphan and Dark Water. After watching these films me and Jake further discussed our opinions and strengths and limitations and I generally believe that this was a good way of contributing to our planning of our filming as we watched a couple together and some alone which allowed us to each get different insights and then give each other feedback.

During preparation before our film I back combed zombie's hair whilst Jake did their make-up which again I believe both suited our strengths. During production of our film we both took it in turns to shoot scenes as we each wanted to gain some experience ourselves for example I would be adjusting the tripod, checking the composition (headroom, leadroom, rule of thirds, framing, whitebalancing, etc) and whilst I'd be filming one scene, Jake would be controlling the lighting and directing actors what to do and where to stand and then we would swap every so often.

Everything else we did was pretty much divided equally so not one person had more effort to put in or more work to do than the other. In our own time we met up after college, on breaks and at dinners and planned thrououghly what we planned to do and when and what we needed etc and went shopping for items to make the fake blood together. In my own time (after college and in lunch breaks) and in lesson time I edited our film until the deadline was fast approaching and instead of continuing to jointly edit, I decided to make a start on Garageband, muting any unwanted camera noice/people's voices, collecting and gathering sounds and overlapping them to sound more suited to our genre and matching them accordingly to our narrative. When Jake finished the ending of the editing he then joined me in assissting with the soundtrack, as now the editing was finished we could finally import the video onto garageband so we could adjust volumes and the video helped match audio to the narrative more accurately. 

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