Wednesday 13 April 2011

Week Calendar

Week 2: As you can see, above is our new shot list which we re wrote after our initial film shot list became outdated due to plot development and we ticked each shot off as we went along to keep organised and minimize stress levels during filming at all times. We also included a note reminding us to leave enough head room and lead room during our framing as in the first week of shooting many frames simply weren't framed correctly.
Week 3:watched an episode of Vampire Diaries one week and we noted a suspenseful scene where the door was opened and we thought we would note down the shots used. It took a while to do as the shots were repeated and we had to keep stopping and starting the episode but eventually we followed similar shots and overall we both thought that our door opening scenes were one of our strongest parts.
The sheet entitles "Zombie Plan" was  from Week 1: When we had set our actors and slightly changed our script but when we were still thinking of including a quote from the bible, and we researched into t and found one that we really liked but we ended up deciding against it and having a soundtrack playing in the opening credits.

Week 3/4: Here,we made our very own 'recipe' for fake blood so we produced the right consistency every time. We also made a note of what our main character, Alice worse on our very first shoot and we made sure that she wore the same items of clothing in each 3 of our re shoots. In addition to this we made addition notes (Plan of Action, Week 2) where we wrote down extra shots we had thought of since our first shoot which we constantly kept referring to to make sure we didn't forget any shots.
We made a list of what we needed to take to film which we took with us every time we booked out equipment and a list of what we needed before ever shoot/re shoot.

To make sure that we were organised during our filming stages we debriefed the actors before arriving on set so they knew what to wear/bring on the day and we also had a set of time slots hat we wrote down and made sure we kept to so we could keep on top of our time and not become stressed- which would have happened if we had to do each characters hair and make up all at once, straight after each other. We made sure that we allowed enough time for each person and I think this worked really effectively.

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