Thursday 21 October 2010

Preliminary Exercise Evaluation - Sophie Lowe

Our finished piece has shown that we can hold a steady shot, with the use of a tripod and that we can frame a shot appropriately, using the rule of thirds. 
We used a variety of shot types, for example we used canted angles at the start when we have the actors running past the gravestone. Also we used high angles when they were running away and the girl fell and we used a low angle when the zombies were coming towards the camera in the last scene. This was from the view of the people as the zombies were crowding around them. We made sure that when we were filming that in each scene there was enough head room for each character and that when they were running they had enough room to run into or if they were running off camera they were on for a reasonable about of time.

Each shot flows well, this is because we used a 180 degree line and made sure that we moved at-least 30 degrees everytime we filmed a new scene. This made sure that there were no jump shots. We tried to use a flash effect on the end of the clip where he takes a photo on his phone, however this did not end up working how we wanted it to work, so we created an extra clip and made it white and how long we wanted it and this created a flash between clips. Also the fade out at the end of the film worked really well when the zombies came towards the camera.

The costume and make-up worked really well for the genre of film we made. Although the zombies were not fully clothed as zombies they did have all dirty and bloody tops and all had great make-up and hair. You could tell that they were zombies. It was a fantastic location and setting for the genre we chose, because we could have the gravestones for extra effect rather than a lots of trees and grass. We did choose appropriate actors as they were not bothered about us putting make-up on them and messing their hair up. Also they were not afraid to look stupid while filming.

I think that when we were filming i did really well, by making sure that the camera was in the correct place using the rule of three and making sure that when the actors were on camera they were in the correct position and that there was enough head room. I think to improve, we could try and make the transition for shot 6 to shot 7 a bit better by having him move a bit more     in shot 7 and then take the photo rather than having him standing there straight away. I think that next time when I am filming I need to check that the continuity is right before we leave the location because when we go to importing the video we figured out that in one shot there are only two people running past when there should be three. Also that we checked where we are filming because at one point we found we were filming at the same place when they were running so we had to move.

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